Lab analysis

The importance of serious and reliable lab analysis

Lab analysis for paternity test

Lab analysis for paternity test based on DNA analysis. Every individual has a specific code in their DNA which defines their genetic profile. Except for identical twins, the genetic profile of an individual is unique. This characteristic is at the basis of the methodology used to determine if two people are genetically linked.

The paternity test is based on the principle that every individual inherit their genetic heritage 50% from their mother and 50% from their father, and it consists of comparing the genetic characteristics of the child with the ones of the supposed father and/or mother.

The supposed father, in order to be considered a biological father, has to have half of the genetic profile present in his child.
The paternity is EXCLUDED in case the supposed father’s genetic characteristics differ from the child’s ones.
The paternity is ATTRIBUTED in case the father’s genetic characteristics match exactly with the child’s ones.

The DNA analysis is based on the detection of normal variations that are present in many regions of every individual’s genetic material. The determination of such variations allow to generate a genetic profile practically unique, like for fingerprints.

DNA extraction from a biological sample

The first phase of the paternity test consists in the DNA extractions from biological samples collected for the test. All the human body cells contain the same DNA. So it is completely the same to draw blood, saliva or other biological fluids.

Lab analysis for toxicology test

Someone may be in the position of having to proof, for example, that their partner is using drugs. It is important to carry out the analysis of hair structure. Drugs crystalize in the hair and remain for months, unlike in blood and urine, where drugs go away more quickly.

Gladio Investigazioni has the collaboration of the best technical advisors and consultants from forensics and police forces.